Sales Reporting

End of everyday the sales report is generated and saved. You can also see live report at any point of the day.

In today's fast-paced business environment, having access to accurate and timely sales data is crucial for making informed decisions. Our POS app is designed to provide you with both end-of-day and real-time sales reports, ensuring you always have the information you need at your fingertips.

End-of-Day Sales Reports: Comprehensive Daily Insights

At the end of every business day, our POS app automatically generates and saves a detailed sales report. This report consolidates all the sales data from the day, providing you with a comprehensive overview of your business's performance. Here’s how it benefits you:

Complete Daily Overview:

The end-of-day report includes all transactions, offering a complete picture of your daily sales activities. This holistic view helps you understand the day’s performance at a glance.

Revenue and Profit Analysis:

Gain insights into your total revenue, profit margins, and taxes collected. This financial overview helps you assess your business's profitability and financial health.

Historical Data Compilation:

Each end-of-day report is saved and can be accessed later, allowing you to compile and compare historical data. This long-term view is invaluable for tracking growth and seasonal trends.

Real-Time Sales Reports: Immediate Access to Sales Data

In addition to end-of-day reports, our POS app offers the ability to view live sales reports at any point during the day. This real-time access provides several advantages:

Instant Sales Monitoring:

Monitor your sales as they happen. This real-time insight allows you to stay on top of your business operations throughout the day.

Quick Decision Making:

Having immediate access to sales data enables you to make informed decisions on the fly. Whether you need to adjust pricing, reorder stock, or address staffing needs, real-time data empowers you to act quickly.

Dynamic Business Management:

Real-time reports help you manage your business dynamically. Respond to changing conditions, such as unexpected sales spikes or dips, with agility and confidence.


Incorporating both end-of-day and real-time sales reports into your business management practices can significantly enhance your ability to make informed decisions, optimize operations, and ultimately, drive success. Our POS app is designed to provide these critical insights seamlessly, ensuring you have the data you need, when you need it. Embrace the power of comprehensive sales reporting and take your business to new heights.