Mobile App

Using our Mobile App and PWA can continue selling from you Phone and Tablet.

In today's dynamic retail landscape, flexibility in sales operations is crucial. Our mobile app and Progressive Web App (PWA) empower you to continue selling effortlessly from both your phone and tablet devices. This dual approach enhances accessibility, convenience, and responsiveness, ensuring you can cater to customer needs anytime and anywhere.

Key Advantages of Using Our Mobile App and PWA:

Cross-Device Compatibility:

Our mobile app is optimized for Android devices, offering a native experience tailored to each platform. Meanwhile, the PWA ensures compatibility across all devices, including phones and tablets, regardless of the operating system. For iOS we have PWA.

Enhanced Mobility:

With our mobile app and PWA, you have the freedom to conduct sales transactions from your phone or tablet. This flexibility is ideal for in-store operations.

Real-Time Inventory Management:

Access real-time inventory data on your mobile device. Check stock levels, update product availability, and manage inventory seamlessly to avoid stockouts and optimize sales opportunities.

Customer Engagement:

Utilize push notifications and in-app messaging to engage customers effectively. Keep them informed about promotions, new arrivals, or order updates directly through the mobile app or PWA.

Secure Transactions:

Our mobile app and PWA prioritize security with robust encryption protocols, ensuring safe and reliable payment transactions for both you and your customers.

Integrated Sales Reporting:

Gain insights into your sales performance through integrated reporting features. Monitor sales trends, analyze customer behavior, and make informed decisions to drive business growth.

User-Friendly Interface:

Both the mobile app and PWA feature intuitive interfaces designed for ease of use. Streamline the checkout process, manage customer information, and track orders effortlessly on any device.

Quick Deployment and Updates:

Deploy updates and new features seamlessly across both platforms. Whether through app store updates or web deployments, you can ensure your sales tools are always up-to-date and optimized.

Scalability and Adaptability:

Scale your sales operations as your business grows. Our mobile app and PWA are adaptable to changing business needs, providing a scalable solution that evolves with your business.


By leveraging our mobile app and PWA, you can transform your phone and tablet into powerful sales tools. Whether you’re on the go, at a trade event, or managing in-store operations, these solutions offer the flexibility and functionality you need to continue selling effectively. Embrace the versatility of mobile commerce with our integrated sales solutions and unlock new opportunities for business success.